Why Giving Back is Always Important

By Diana Bassett

Making a difference in all communities and industries is the foundation that DBPR was built upon.

“Charity begins at home but should not end there.”

In a year that has been overshadowed by so much hardship and pain, finding the good moments is always important. When the pandemic started, no one knew what was going on and what was going to happen. While the world was falling apart, it was also coming together in so many other ways. Watching people rush to help others without thinking twice was inspiring. I knew I wanted to help, but figuring out how was hard. After reaching out to many charities to see how I could volunteer from home, I was feeling helpless. I didn’t want to leave my house out of fear but I also really wanted to be useful. After brainstorming for longer than I’d like to admit, I realized I am good at PR (obviously) so why not use my skills to help other businesses struggling to connect with their customers.

After a month of working with small businesses, I realized how much I loved working for myself and out of this passion project, DBPR was born. While the company has come so far this year, I can never forget how it started. While our wheelhouse may be public figures, entertainment and fashion, we will always have room in our roster for a non-profit. 

No one gets to where they are without some form of help. Whether it comes in the form of some good advice, moral support or free PR, everyone has benefited from someone else stretching out their hand at some point in their lives, and I am no different. Every day I experience success, I remember all the people who got me to that exact moment in my life. No one is exempt from needing help at some point in their lives and careers, and there is nothing wrong with that!

While we have come a long way since our beginnings, we never forget where we came from. The foundation of DBPR will always be to help others and give back. Do better has always been a personal motto, whether that has been in my career, personal life or my community standards, and now it is my company’s mission statement. 

DBPR has had the opportunity to work with some amazing non-profit organizations, learn about some great causes and have the chance to give back to many different communities.

If you are a non-profit organization looking for ways to expand your outreach, please reach out to us. We are happy to work with you in your mission to make a difference.


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