CASE STUDY | Nikki Blonsky Comes Out.


Nikki Blonsky, the actress best known for her role as Tracy Turnblad in the hit movie musical, Hairspray, was ready to come out as gay. After years of keeping a huge part of her identity under wraps, Nikki worked with DBPR to make the life changing announcement. 

DBPR was asked to create the campaign surrounding the announcement, including creating the video published on Tik Tok as part of her brand management services. The campaign’s goal was to create a media buzz, helping to elevate the news while encouraging others to be able to be proud of who they are, strong enough to come out on their own and knowing they are supported.


DBPR advised Nikki to reveal her big news as an organic announcement being true to herself and the community, avoiding a more traditional route utilizing a media exclusive. DBPR worked with Nikki to create and choreograph the Tik Tok and premiered it at the end of Pride month in June 2020. The video quickly went viral, grabbing the attention of fans and media outlets which picked up the video and story.

Following the release of the news, DBPR secured Nikki’s first big interview as an out actress with The Hollywood Reporter, allowing her to tell her story on her terms, with her words. The pick up garnered from the original story helped fuel the campaign, and keeping the star’s Tik Tok and other social media growing. 

In addition to the Tik Tok, an Instagram post was added with the announcement to amplify the original news, bringing a cross promotion to NIkki’s other social media platforms, allowing her following and engagement on both pages to continue to grow.


The campaign led to an abundance of media coverage and pickup. Additionally, DBPR was able to utilize the momentum to secure future interviews, podcast guest spots and other career enhancing opportunities for Nikki Blonsky. 

A generous number of well wishes came rushing in from both fans and other public figures. The Tik Tok video went viral, and many used it as a duet to come out as well. 

  • 54+ total placements

  • 5.23B online readership

  • 5.02M estimated coverage views

  • 114K social shares on Facebook and Twitter

  • An increase in followers on Instagram for a total of 3,000+ new followers

  • An increase in followers on Tik Tok for a total of 31,000+ new followers

Coverage included